Blogger Partners
Our aim is to be a blog advertising platform FOR BLOGGERS by BLOGGERS. As such, certain bloggers with associated skills and influence have been invited to take a stake in our company. In most cases, for free. They are all partners in Nuffnang, and act as our ambassadors, and advisors. Their identities will be revealed here over time!
Blogger Outings
Coming soon! We’re looking to organize our first blogger outing!
Coming soon! We’re looking to organize our first blogger outing!
It could be Go Karting, Paintballing, or the like. Suggestions are welcome. Nuffnang will either fully pay for or substantially subsidize mass outings to foster friendships amongst the bloggers in our community. Keep your eyes peeled!
Affiliate programmes would involve some of exciting companies we are working with. Soon, Bloggers will be able to enjoy exclusive discounts for various goods and services.
Look out for the Nuffnang card coming out your way!